Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Economics 8th- Minimum Wage Assignment

This area is for students in 8th period Honors Economics. If you are in 2nd or 4th period, please use the posting for your assigned period!

As we study price floors in class, there is no better example of this topic than the minimum wage. While all economists agree that minimum wage is a price floor, they differ in their opinion on the merits of the wage. I have a feeling that many of you will as well...

Before posting on the blog, you are to read the following editorial from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that features a debate between a proponent and opponent of a minimum wage increase.

Does raising the minimum wage help the economy?

Part ONE--due Wednesday
After reading the article, students should write a BRIEF response (using info from the article) with their own feelings on the minimum wage. Is it poor economic policy, or is it needed to ensure that poorer Americans receive a just wage? I understand that you may fall somewhere in the middle of this debate, but please try to favor one view over the other.

At the end of your response, you MUST write a question that you would like to ask a person who is in favor of the opposite view.

Part Two--due Thursday
Then, in a SEPARATE comment, you will then answer one of the questions that was asked to people with your point of view. (When answering, please state whose question you are responding to).

Due Date (AGAIN): Your Initial Views and Question due Wednesday; Your response to another classmate due Thursday

Economics 4th- Minimum Wage Assignment

This area is for students in 4th period Honors Economics. If you are in 2nd or 8th period, please use the posting for your assigned period!

As we study price floors in class, there is no better example of this topic than the minimum wage. While all economists agree that minimum wage is a price floor, they differ in their opinion on the merits of the wage. I have a feeling that many of you will as well...

Before posting on the blog, you are to read the following editorial from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that features a debate between a proponent and opponent of a minimum wage increase.

Does raising the minimum wage help the economy?

Part ONE--due Wednesday
After reading the article, students should write a BRIEF response (using info from the article) with their own feelings on the minimum wage. Is it poor economic policy, or is it needed to ensure that poorer Americans receive a just wage? I understand that you may fall somewhere in the middle of this debate, but please try to favor one view over the other.

At the end of your response, you MUST write a question that you would like to ask a person who is in favor of the opposite view.

Part Two--due Thursday
Then, in a SEPARATE comment, you will then answer one of the questions that was asked to people with your point of view. (When answering, please state whose question you are responding to).

Due Date (AGAIN): Your Initial Views and Question due Wednesday; Your response to another classmate due Thursday

Economics 2nd- Minimum Wage Assignment

This area is for students in 2nd period Honors Economics. If you are in 4th or 8th period, please use the posting for your assigned period!

As we study price floors in class, there is no better example of this topic than the minimum wage. While all economists agree that minimum wage is a price floor, they differ in their opinion on the merits of the wage. I have a feeling that many of you will as well...

Before posting on the blog, you are to read the following editorial from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that features a debate between a proponent and opponent of a minimum wage increase.

Does raising the minimum wage help the economy?

Part ONE--due Wednesday
After reading the article, students should write a BRIEF response (using info from the article) with their own feelings on the minimum wage. Is it poor economic policy, or is it needed to ensure that poorer Americans receive a just wage? I understand that you may fall somewhere in the middle of this debate, but please try to favor one view over the other.

At the end of your response, you MUST write a question that you would like to ask a person who is in favor of the opposite view.

Part Two--due Thursday
Then, in a SEPARATE comment, you will then answer one of the questions that was asked to people with your point of view. (When answering, please state whose question you are responding to).

Due Date (AGAIN): Your Initial Views and Question due Wednesday; Your response to another classmate due Thursday

Monday, February 15, 2010

World History--Exploration of the Eastern World

During this week in class, we have studied the explorers of the Eastern (non-Americas world). The major pioneers that we focused on were:
  • Prince Henry the Navigator
  • Bartolomeu Dias
  • Vasco da Gama
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • Zheng He
Remembering these men, Mr. Dees would like you to answer the following TWO questions by posting a comment on this blog page.


1. In a 1st-person paragraph, state why you were the greatest explorer of the era.
(EXAMPLE: I, Vasco da Gama, was the greatest explorer this world has ever seen. Without my discovery of....)

2. Then, in 2-3 sentences, call out who you think was the weakest explorer of this time.
(EXAMPLE: Sailing around the world, Magellan, please! If you had not known about my earlier discovery...)

In #2, feel free to be creative and funny while attacking the other explorers. However, good taste must be shown as stated on the rules of the blog!!

You will be graded on: Completion of the assignment, usage of facts when making your case as the best explorer and in attacking your opponent, posting without spelling or grammatical errors.


Monday, November 30, 2009

World History--America vs. the Narrative Reading

World History Students,

The first thing you will do for this assignment is to read the column from today's New York Times entitled "America vs. the Narrative."

After reading, I would like you to respond to ONE of the following question with a comment in the "comments" section below.

1. According to the author, how is this narrative "obscuring the truth" about American foreign policy in the Muslim world?

2. If President Obama made the statements mentioned in the article to the people of the Muslim world, in what ways do you think the governments and people of the region will respond? (Use some info or ideas from the article in your response).

Again, answer only ONE! If you have any questions about posting on the blog, please let Mr. Dees know at jdees@loy.org

Thursday, April 2, 2009

World History-How do we solve the problems of the Industrial Revolution?

After reading about seven different thinkers in class today, Mr. Dees would like you to take on the identity of two of these people. You will then write a short conversation between the two thinkers.


Adam Smith: "I believe that the best way to solve problems is to let the market take care of itself."

John Stuart Mill: "Well hello, Mr. Smith. You have some clever thoughts, but clearly the market will not solve all of our problems. The government has to help!"

It would then continue on....

In your conversation, each person MUST speak 2-3 times!

Your answers should include facts from their ideas, reasonable conversation and proper spelling/grammar.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

World History-A Tale of Feudalism

After reading about the lives and roles of people in the Middle Ages, you have a much better understanding of feudalism. For this blog post, I want you to select TWO of the following groups of people in this time period: Noble (Lord), Knights, Vassal, Serf or Monk.

After selecting those two, assume the character of that person and write 3-4 sentences (for EACH one) about their life during the feudalism age. The tales should be written in the 1st person.

You can write about any aspect of life, and students will be rewarded for being creative. However, you will need to display some knowledge of the material in your writing.

The posts are due at the beginning of your history period.